National Professional Association for

~ Doctors of Naprapathic Medicine ~

Doctors of Naprapathy use a three fold strategy in the Naprapathic treatment of connective tissue disorders.

Naprapathic Manual Medicine

Involves hands-on gentle connective tissues manipulation to the spine, joints and articulations of the body.

Nutritional Counselling

Recommendations for holistic dietary changes, food supplementation (as through the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals) to assist the body in achieving optimal health.

Therapeutic Modalities

The use of the effective properties of physical measure of heat, cold, water, radiant energy, electricity, sound, air and assistive devices for the purpose of preventing or correcting a physical disability.

Successfully Treated disorders through Naprapathic Medicine​

Some common Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders successfully treated through Naprapathic medicine.

What people say about us

"I used to live in Illinois, and our family had a Naprapath doctor we loved. Now after moving to Washington State, it seems there are no Naprapaths here (according to your website) is there any way to find referrals to practitioners who might have some similar training or values."
~ Lisa Sheets ~
Washington Citizen

Register for ANA Annual Convention Today!

June 1 & 2, 2024; 9a - 5p both days...